the studio


Russell Wightman Design (RWD) exists to create a legacy of exterior design and lifestyle offerings that help people live well while redefining landscape comfort and sustainability. 

Our approach is functional, beautiful and thoughtfully sustainable. We achieve this balance by combining historically rich design principles with modern perception, and partnership with craftspeople, licensed contractors, and trades to breathe life into our work. 

While our process feels intuitive and experimental at first glance, it is grounded in timeless methodologies that keep us anchored within the mystery of growth and evolution. Form, shape, color, texture, and function are always a consideration - resulting in environments that are both livable, comfortable, and healing. In the end, each of our creations strive to embody warmth, healing and connection to ourselves through a deeper understanding of our natural and built surroundings. 


We believe in a design process that stirs imagination and disrupts limitations. There is nothing stagnant or expected about our work. Though we follow a linear approach of progressive design, our process allows for improvements and expanding upon ideas. We strive to create something new to uncover with every turn, texture, scent, and shadow. We are constantly evolving to create authentic spaces of healing, comfort, and mystery. 

Our intention is to create spaces, products, and curate a selection of offerings that reflect our continual evolution as humans and culture. In our eyes the garden is a vortex for change and physical embodiment where every detail mirrors the fluidity of nature and flow of human expression.  

We view gardens as activators of creativity and transformers of lives through immersive textures, comfortable spaces and thriving biodiversity. While part of a larger culture, a garden should speak for itself. Whether it’s through our design services or curated objects, we are committed to guiding our clients into new layers of our individual and collective existence where the spaces outside our home and at our fingertips are alive. 

5 values of RWD: 

  • Individuality - We honor the depths of our individual and collective perspectives.  Our designs aim to reflect that by never trying to be something other than exactly what they are. Whether the soul of the project is bold or subdued, light or mature, organic or structured, we commit to legible design with authenticity, originality and conviction in our work.

  • Integrity - The quality of our work is only as solid as the integrity of our character and authenticity of the materials we use. We lead with transparency and honesty in everything we do. We aim to communicate clearly, effectively, and respectfully with our clients, creative collaborators, contractors, and garden caretakers. Integrity in materials incorporates the natural and real that support designs honoring the cultural, political and environmental contexts in which we exist. Stone, metal, wood and upcycled/recycled materials are alive in our work. 

  • Legacy - We are here for more than just our lifetime. We strive to create a timeless, impactful legacy beyond trends or design fads. We design for the future, to cultivate alive landscapes, objects and ideas for generations to enjoy. .  

  • Evolution - Nothing stays the same, especially landscapes. As a studio we are constantly evolving to create new edges of creativity and transformation with each project. As our vision expands, our perspective is altered to reveal fresh ideas and approaches that shape the direction of our work. We are always learning, always growing,  always in motion, and we apply our lessons to our work to create lasting and meaningful spaces that support our individual and collective expansion as individuals and a culture. 

  • Sustainability - Creating a future for generations to come is at the heart of what motivates our work. Sustainability is not only in the methods and materials we use but also in the people we partner with. We believe in fair wages, sustainable building methods, and designs that give back to our collective environment. Sustainability is creating lasting gardens that are beyond fad or popular culture. We believe in the power of nature to heal and reflect to us a mirror to our existence. We thrive when our environment thrives.